
Chess Advanced Class

Promoting life skills through teaching chess.

Chess is a game which can combine fun and functionality, as well as encourage competition and learning. Quality chess instruction fosters traits such as critical thinking, planning, analytical thought, and creativity. Studying chess is studying the art of planning ahead- one of the most important skills a person can have.

Our curriculum seeks to use chess as a tool to cultivate these traits in our students, allowing them to become both better chess players and better thinkers as a whole.

From teaching new students how to set up the chess board to exploring advanced concepts with a chess Grandmaster, our standard classes and private lessons make the game fun and accessible to all levels of players. Our instructors are as passionate about teaching as they are about chess, and have shared their knowledge and love of the game with students locally and across the world.

Students may ONLY begin at advanced level with instructor permission. Otherwise satisfactory completion of the intermediate level is required.

Usual age range: 9+

Required chess experience: General understanding of all major chess concepts. Ability to create, analyze, and implement plans throughout the game.

Goal: To be able to creatively problem solve within the game, and to confidently defend ideas when challenged or questioned. Students are expected to treat the game as a debate. Why is their way of playing good? Seasoned advanced players should be able to hold their own in tournaments, and to be able to confidently challenge adults within the game.

Summary: Advanced class deviates from previous classes in terms of structure, as students have reached a point where they will improve the most from simply analyzing games and generating ideas. Due to this the class will have students analyze games (both their own, through a “game of the week” system, and those of extremely high level players) every class. Students will also play instructors and each other, and will be expected to be able to explain WHY they made a move whenever asked. (Even if it’s incorrect, it’s better to have a wrong reason than none at all!)